Anxiety In Dogs: Treatment And Prevention

Dog anxiety is more commonly known as noise phobia, travel phobia or separation anxiety. It’s certainly not one single disorder, but rather a broad range of disorders that all share the symptom of excessive anxiety in dogs.

Dog anxiety can result in destructive behavior that can include chewing, digging and scratching.

Symptoms of Dog Anxiety

Excited panting Panic attacks manifested by running, hiding or shaking Vocalizing such as whining, howling and barking, running away, retrieving objects, chewing furniture, pacing excessive licking.

Causes of Dog Anxiety

The most common cause of dog anxiety is loud noises. Thunderstorms, fireworks displays, and gunshots are some examples. Other causes may include over-excitement at the animal’s surroundings, a new home, or a new pet in the household.

Treatment for Dog Anxiety

There are three categories of treatment for dog anxiety: lifestyle changes, drug therapy, and herbal remedies. Lifestyle changes may include a variety of things such as confinement exercises, desensitization training, and providing the animal with a safe, comfortable area. Drug therapy may involve prescribed tranquilizers or antidepressants. Herbal remedies for dog anxiety include lavender oil, chamomile tea, and rosemary essential oils, which can be added to the animal’s water dish.

Prevention of Dog Anxiety

Prevention of dog anxiety involves providing your pet with a safe, comfortable environment. This includes containing the animal in one room of the house that is blocked off from traffic and noise. Some ways to desensitize your pet’s environment are playing tapes of thunderstorms at low volumes for short periods throughout the day. These tapes can gradually be increased in volume and length of time throughout the day until it begins to simulate a normal thunderstorm. If you are unsure, talk with your vet for more information on dog anxiety or how to treat your pet’s anxiety disorder.

Getting Help for Dog Anxiety

If you have tried several methods of treatment without success, or if your pet’s anxiety is severe, you should contact your veterinarian about trying drug therapy. Depending on the degree of your pet’s anxiety, they may recommend anti-anxiety drugs such as alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium).

Veterinary guidance should be taken seriously when giving medication to a dog. Although these drugs have been prescribed for years, they are still powerful sedatives that can have dangerous side effects if not administered correctly. Only your vet or a trained professional should give your pet medication.

Using CBD Oil for your dog’s anxiety

A type of cannabinoid, CBD oil for dogs has been proven to have a calming effect on canines. It works as an anxiolytic by activating the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A in your pet’s brain. This results in serotonin production that can lead to improved mood and decreased stress levels.

If you are concerned about how much medication your pet is taking, you can use CBD oil to replace traditional medication. No need to worry about dangerous side effects or drug interactions when you treat with this all-natural medicine.

Using CBD oil for anxious dogs is a great natural remedy, especially when combined with other therapies such as lifestyle changes and desensitization. It can also be used to treat panic attacks and phobias of loud noises, such as fireworks and thunderstorms. This all-natural product will not get your pet high and will not become addictive.

Treating your dog’s anxiety with CBD oil is a safe and effective way to end mental and physical stress in your pet. It also doesn’t interfere with other treatments and can be used alone or in conjunction with them. Talk to your vet about trying this supplement for canine anxiolytic effects today.


Anxiety in dogs is a serious mental health problem for animals. It can be triggered by various factors, such as fireworks, storms, and even the loss of a loved one. Symptoms include aggression, pacing, barking, panting, drooling, and shivering. Fortunately, there are several ways to combat this disorder including lifestyle changes, drug therapy, and alternative treatments, such as CBD oil.

If your pet is experiencing dog anxiety or severe stress, talk to a veterinarian about the best treatment method for them. Remember that this disorder is treatable and there are many options available. You can help relieve mental and physical suffering in your canine companion with the right treatment plan.

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